what's up??

26 Jun '10 jester's journal update:

currently working at:
-developing original body proportion style
-finishing unfinished arts

-Instrumental jazzy music with slight Erik Satie's Gymnopedie notes on it :D
-refining old midi music
-Sword of August
-Eternal Grace

mood: geeky :-B

Oct 24, 2009

triple banner, also steps

and~ here comes new -not so new- art, triple commission results for lovelessentertainment.. fortunately im saving some steps for the second banner (bottom) so i can share it abit here.

scenario: a girl running from a toasted cabin in night time.

fire? night and a cabin...now i need references..google time!

it is highly recommended to use photo references if u never make that kinda scene before yet.

and since i was into painty style, i thought it wud be powerful and stylish. tool: SAI

the client needs 799x200 pixel dimension, in case the pic wud look less detailed in that small dimension, i made it in double sized the actual dimension.

now the steps:
1] sketch! overall and composition sketch, looks like i dont need to say much of this

2] begin to fill the backgrounds..colored roughly to give it the mood, and i was only using 2 layers so far (outline n color)

3] when i fell all the color i need is painted over, i need to adjust the color in photoshop.. easy, using color balance was the most i do..and adding some glow effect on the fire to make it more shiny, using overlay layer above and soft air brush clicked, with a bright yellow color. i merged the overlay layer to the color layer so i wont get confused with many layers.

4] back to SAI again, finishing touch, paint over unwanted lines, highlight on girl's hair, and put more detail into backgrounds.. make new layers for shading part (multiply layer in lowered opacity) lastly i went to photoshop again to increase the lightness (hue/saturation) a bit, resize it into the correct size (50%), and sharpen it necessarily. and done!

hope that helps <3

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