what's up??

26 Jun '10 jester's journal update:

currently working at:
-developing original body proportion style
-finishing unfinished arts

-Instrumental jazzy music with slight Erik Satie's Gymnopedie notes on it :D
-refining old midi music
-Sword of August
-Eternal Grace

mood: geeky :-B

Jan 20, 2010


uh..ah....yo..guys! remember me? im Lazcht..

merry cristmas..happy new year, and so many things happened..um..its been a while!... first thing first, im so sorry for my disappearance in months..i felt so shameful that i broke my own promise to not being an antisocial (in art community, forum and here), not updating things, and all =_=

actually i wanted so, but i think it's my brain, i have been too concentrated in so many things and when i want to wrote down or upload things, i was about to collapse lol..i used to lack of sleep to cover all my work, but these days is a bit too much. haha..i dont wanna die cos of overworked so i better change my habit...yeah to NOT BE GREEDY of projects. i need to re-learn..how to relax myself, so i can cover things up properly and...greatly! without keep decreasing my rest time. whatever's rushing or forcing will never feels right, no? well it's good for time saving, but i was almost forgetting, it cost some sacrifices, in this case is..my physical and mental body, and maybe ppl around me too, when i get all focused in something im starting to be careless and forgetful =_= haha..now im grateful i dont have a lover cos i wont have the time..for romantic things LMAO

damn..i feel so guilty ...^^

hmm no use i know, i was just ranting and keep ranting and it wont change anything, well i bet u're fed up with all of my thinking already hahah XD well i hope i'll be more wise for the upcoming projects. ok, here comes my progress report and list of current projects im on (green is done):

  1. Sword of August(flash shooter game) - as character designer, layout artist, assistant manager
  2. I WANT TO LIVE (manga/comic) - as an inker and a bit of story developer
  3. Eternal Grace (RMXP RPG project) - as art advisor, character re-designer (repolish)
  4. Baron (Flash shooter game) - outsource character designer
  5. Loveless Entertainment(game developer) - outsource illustrator (for website)
  6. Lijakaca's game (flash dating sim game) - outsource character designer
  7. LiaL (manga/game? project) - my own project with most low priority..^^;

see? lol to be positive, lets just think my brain's superb to not going crazy from overcapacity - handling those projects in same time /XD

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