what's up??

26 Jun '10 jester's journal update:

currently working at:
-developing original body proportion style
-finishing unfinished arts

-Instrumental jazzy music with slight Erik Satie's Gymnopedie notes on it :D
-refining old midi music
-Sword of August
-Eternal Grace

mood: geeky :-B

Apr 22, 2009


Personal Info

name: Lazcht fou Liar
interests: arts, music, spiritual, game
birth date: 09/26
birth place/current residence: Jakarta, Indonesia
blood type : A

Drawing Influences

mangaka: Yuki Kaori, Yoshihiro Togashi
game character designer/illustrator: Shigenori Soejima, Kazuma Kaneko, Yoshitaka Amano
many more..

Gears: mech pencil & random 2B pencils, random papers, Wacom Bamboo Fun, Canoscan Lide 70, SAI Easy Paint Tool, Adobe Photoshop CS3, my lovely PC (Illuminus) & lappie (Celestial)

Music Influences

J-pop: Arai Akino
J-rock: kagrra, PIERROT, Luna Sea, L'Arc~en Ciel
game composer: Yasunori Mitsuda, Shoji Meguro, Kenji Ito, Masashi Hamauzu
many more..

Gears: Cort Curbow 5, J&D Brothers Accoustic Guitar (steel string)

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