what's up??

26 Jun '10 jester's journal update:

currently working at:
-developing original body proportion style
-finishing unfinished arts

-Instrumental jazzy music with slight Erik Satie's Gymnopedie notes on it :D
-refining old midi music
-Sword of August
-Eternal Grace

mood: geeky :-B

Apr 26, 2009

Art commission FAQ

(not really a FAQ, but i think someone might ask these questions)

Q: what is exactly "commission"? what are u actually selling? (i dunno if this' already common term but i'll answer anyway)
A: i meant it by 'hire', im a freelance artist to be hired for drawing certain illustration. it's just like.."art requesting business"(? bah pardon my engrish, cannot explain well) long story short, u pay, i draw :-D

Q: can i get the real thing? (what thing? art of course.)
A: yes, but 'll cost u more, also pls mind that shipping cost is not my responsibility ^^; lol coz im broke. Ah and for Niji Pack(colored), i color em digitally, so i culdnt give u more than the pencil art..

Q: what shud i do to commission you? how can i trust that u're not running away with my money??
A: simply send me email with title "commission", copy-paste the commission form and fill 'em.. wow nice question! if im not working on your request in such looong time with no notification from me, u can go spread the bad reputation of me, put all of my account into blacklist, terror me to death, launching rocket to my house, anything. whenever im still sane, i wont runaway, i need good reputation for living u know ^^

Q: all right! can u explain your commission procedure ?
A: as you wish..actually, my shop's procedure is quite commonly used:

  1. you fill the commission form in the left side of this page (it shud found easily).
  2. i calculate the total price, then give u my Paypal
  3. you pay me at least half of our dealed price
  4. i show ur name on the Slots, drawing, revising till finished, send u my final (just low resolution preview)
  5. pay me the rest + tipping (if any XD)
  6. i give you the full resolution pic i worked in.
why half? it's for my motivation on finishing yours and... by that u can figure how much ur tipping'll be if u see the result first LOL i love tips *thrown*

Q: now, err...what is "slot"??
A: lesse...just like a... queue maybe? it's kinda booking a spot to hire me (feeling BIG arentcha?! ^^; nah, dont take it seriously dude ^^; ).

when some1 deal a commission, i put the commissioner name in the slot. actually it's not important, i made the slot visible just to let the commissioner & ppl know that i'm doing a work for him/her. also a to-do-list for myself & some marketing purpose LALALA~

Q:"BG addition??" what's ur BG wud looked like?
A: Back Ground addition for ur request. by default (free one), i draw atmospheric BG only, and will charge u some additional price for requesting a certain BG (eg. forest, warehouse, beach). i'm tellin' you im still rookie at landscapes and perspective, so if u still want it im cool with that...XD *what the??!* oops dont worry i'll still do the best and keep learning!! m(_ _)m

Q: "no visual ref penalty"??! WHAT ON EARTH is that?
A: haha, looks like 'penalty' word being too harsh. i mean, some cost wud applied when a commissioner requesting me an illustration, but dont hav any visual reference pic of the character he/she wants. *what the?! why being so stingy???* haa...im a visual-brained, so i need clear image of a character, ref pics supply, much easier <3>8D *marketing whore!!* *shot*

Q: another stingy looking penalty, what's "complex/difficult penalty" ? now what?? >_>
A: for the sake of justice!! *choked* i mean, someone might requesting a character only wearing a T-shirt, with a simple standing pose, and other one requesting a full-armored character, wrestling to death with a chara with realistic lizard costume... *yes..go imagine that* it wud be unfair if i cost them same price (for both the client and me..) ..so i made that penalty. i hope u can understand it.

Q: i found out u hav many styles on ur drawings, which style of drawing are u actually use for commissions?
A: depends, im experimenting & mixing out styles till now, u're free to dive & browse my gallery to find out what style u want me to draw with, or u can leave the decision, (which style) to me if u want. ^_^

another question?

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